Energía Solar FV CODESO
Agua potable con energía solar
Corporacion para el Desarrollo Sostenible CODESO Ecuador Sudamerica
Individual Solar Electrification Systems
Drinking water pumping
Institutional Empowerment
Páginas de Fotos - Photopages - Fotoseiten
Corporation for sostainable devbellopment CODESO
How does Solarenergy work?
Solar Energy Equipment
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Solar fotovoltaica energia panels baterias
Termica solar bombre ejemplos
respaldo energetico UPS APS inversores batteries acumuladores
Correo electronico - Email
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Kishwar Foundation

With the following objectives:

• Strengthen training processes with priority attention groups with a focus on rights, gender, interculturality, social and generational equity.

• Recognize and repower the cultural identity, artistic expressions, knowledge and ancestral knowledge of our peoples.

• Promote productive processes with a focus on sustainability, solidarity and respect for nature.

• Implement environmental friendly technology projects.
Fundacion Kishwar Ecuador SoutH America Sudamerika Südamerika
Fundacion Kishwar
Lenguage Health Education
Water Energy